Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of Charles Stookey.
I was an active railfan in the mid 70s to the early 90s in Oklahoma, north Texas, eastern New Mexico, Colorado and central and eastern Kansas. I also made forays to the Arizona, California, Wyoming and the Pacific Northwest. I took many bad photos and some fair ones. To scan my slides I first used an ancient flatbed scanner with transparency adapter with only fair results. I now have a plustek 7200 dpi transparency scanner. It's not a Nikon but pretty good. Much better than my flatbed. As time allows I will re-scan the slides which I previously produced with the flatbed.
I moved to Vancouver WA in 2004 and started railfanning again but this time with a DSLR and mainly from the car window. My Contax and Pentax now rest unused in a camera bag somewhere in the house. I wish I could use my Zeiss lenses on the DSLR.
Any date that has only the month and year is an educated guess at best. It is based on what is imprinted on the Kodak cardboard slide mount.
All errors in caption information are purely mine.
Corrections, additions and complaints sought and welcome
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!